Monday, March 30, 2009

Clone Arch Linux to another computer

I’ve just cloned my arch linux installation from my lab pc to my laptop, and it is much easier than I’ve expected. First I packed every thing up into a tar in a removable disk like this: (you need to change sdxx and sdyy below to your corresponding partition)

#mount the backup disk
mkdir /mnt/backup
mount /dev/sdxx /mnt/backup
cd /
tar -cvpzf /mnt/backup/BACKUP_FILE.tar.gz --exclude=/{dev,lost+found,mnt,proc,sys,tmp,}/* /

Then in my laptop:

# boot with arch iso
# mount the dest partition
mkdir /mnt/arch
mount –t ext3 /dev/sdyy /mnt/arch
# mount the backup disk
mkdir /mnt/backup
mount –t vfat /dev/sdxx /mnt/backup
# expand the installation tar
cd /mnt/arch
tar –xvpzf /mnt/backup/BACKUP_FILE.tar.gz
# something necessary to boot
chroot /mnt/arch
cd /dev
mknod -m 660 console c 5 1
mknod -m 660 null c 1 3
# modify the /etc/fstab
# make a new boot ramdisk
mkinitcpio -p kernel26
# install grub
# modify /boot/grub/menu.lst
umount /dev/sdxx
umount /dev/sdyy
shutdown –r now
# have fun

Besides what are listed here, I also changed my video card driver and edited my /etc/xorg.conf file. The workflow works well for Arch Linux, but might not work exactly with other distro(e.g. mkinicpio seems to be Arch-only), in this case you may need to consult the all-mighty adviser – Google ;)

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