Monday, May 4, 2009

How many lines does it take to learn a new language?

It seems to be impossible for me to learn a new programing language by reading books without practice, so the question in the title occurs to me – how many lines does it take to learn a language?

The number obviously depends on many factors: whether it is the first programming language to me, if I have learned a language with similar grammar/design before, the size of the standard library… and a lot!

And it’s even harder to define when I should say I have learned a programming language… Having been programming in C for years, I still check the standard library now and then :(

Maybe I should define a metric of the familiarity of a programming language, ask all my friends in this trade to help me collect data, and take some statistical approach to obtain a equation of lines needed to practice a language... Hmm, a lot work to answer this simple question, isn't it XD

1 comment:

  1. I personally consider myself to have learned a language when I am fluent enough to write any required program in it, even if I have to check the documentation to verify the format of a function occasionally.
