Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My favorite android apps

I have been using android for a month, and I do think it a great OS, from a geek perspective, of cause ;) Since Google does not provide paid app in Chinese market, I got only free apps, however some of them are already great, let me name some of them:

  • AndFTP is a powerful yet easy to use FTP client.
  • Android Terminal Emulator is definitely essential on rooted box (oops, can I call a mobile phone as box just like a PC?) Without it customizing your system would be much tougher.
  • Barcode Scannner by ZXing Team is the fastest scanner I found in market, and recognizing URI with camera is such a great invention!
  • Batteryminder tells me in percentage how much battery left, which is a must on a phone with a power-hungry large screen just like my milestone...
  • diviClock is a cute desktop clock widget offering shortcuts to your alarm clock and calendar
  • NetCounter is used to track how much traffic is spend in a day/week/month because CMCC's traffice is so expensive - 7MB for 1 USD!!!
  • Jorte provides various widget and calendar view, and connects to both Google calendar and a Japanese(?) calendar service.
  • TaskOS To Do List: writing TODO list in voice is great, hopefully web syn feature will be available soon.
  • Vplayer, though still in alpha stage, plays a great range of format of video.

At last I would be very happy if Google brings paid games, though I can get robo defense free and Angry Birds from Chinese market, and they are very interesting (and very time-consuming, too).

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