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要想正常访问Blogspot,可以采用老方法:编辑WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts 文件,然后加入72.14.219.190 xxx.blogspot.com ,其中xxx是你的用户名,即可访问到你自己的BlogSpot了。
Notice: This is MY HOMEMADE SKILL, without warranty of data/hardware safety!
Acronis True Image is a backup software with eazy-to-understand interface and powerful functions. It can restore your system form a bare machine. But for some PC and laptop to boot Acronis True Image from CD/Secure Zone will seem to fail, the official answer to this problem is that those mainboard/BIOS does not go with acpi features which is needed by Acronis by default.
To solve the problem, the user have to press F11 kye before start Acronis True Image (full version), and add the parameter "acpi=off noacpi" (the quotation mark should not be included) manually.
It's so awful to do this every time, so can we just make the parameter default?
The anwser is YES. Browse to "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Acronis\TrueImageHome\" find f11.cfg, open it with any text editor like notepad, and add the acpi=off parameter after the kernel parameter, just like this:(the added is in bold character)
[start] echo Starting Acronis True Image... initrd ramdisk.dat /s kernel kernel.dat quiet acpi=off noacpi quiet on mbrcrcs on vga vesa |
Re-active the Starup Recovery Manager to update the f11.cfg file in the secure zone, build a new boot disk, and enjoy :)
This works well on my ACER laptop, and hopefully it will be helpful to you.
发信人: NIGHTFIRE (昵称不告诉你们), 信区: NewSoftware <这里是我战斗和成长的地方啊~~ >
标 题: Re: Adobe这个垃圾公司
发信站: 水木社区 (Thu May 3 15:30:10 2007), 站内
MS office和Adobe的东西都是商业软件,应该面对经过专门培训的用户,这样才能发挥出这些庞然大物强悍的功能。家庭用户(包括绝大多数不搞技术的学生)不应该期待这种专业的东西变成傻瓜式的,寻找和能满足自己需求的其他软件才是正道。
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